
Thursday, March 15, 2012

paint mixing using contact paper

I got this idea from my son J's teacher, Ms. Katie (J attends the infant/toddler school at my center). 

It's genius!

All you do is sandwich paint between two layers of contact paper (sticky side down) and the children use their hands to slide the paint around until it's mixed. 

It is super easy to set up, and it's clean. Which is great for those times when you can't be directly supervising a messy activity. 


  1. I have seen this done inside large sandwich bags but not contact paper - this is a good idea!

  2. I am so glad I found your blog. I have a background in Reggio also, although I now teach a prek class at an elementary school. Still, my classroom reflects my Reggio training.

    I have never seen the contact paper activities, and I love them!
    When using the paint, does it eventually dry? I have a huge wall that needs something new and I think I will hang 3 or 4 contact paper creations.

  3. Hi Hadley,

    The contact paper acts like a zip lock bag, so doesn't dry. It is forever mixable!

  4. Love this idea! I'll be trying it out with my kiddos!

  5. Just found your blog and when I read your bio I KNEW I had to be a new follower! While working on my masters years ago I was fortunate to be able take part in a workshop at the St. Louis Reggio Collaboratvie schools. I was hooked! I look forward to reading your blog for inspiration!


  6. This is awesome!

    I love your blog and feel so blessed to have found it!

    I am your newest follower! I would love for you to come visit me when you get the chance.

    Have you ever had your kiddos paint with Karo syrup? We made Easter eggs and they turned out awesome! The effect had my kiddos enchanted!

    I would also love for you to come read about Conscious Discipline. It is all about building the School Family and it is amazing. =)

    Heather's Heart
